Bringing simplified e-solution to our community. Withdraw, send, recieve, make payments and create savings with TRADEPLA. Tradepla Monitor your transactions, authorise payments, recieve instant transfers, schedule your bill payments and experience budgeting that can transform your world.

with tradepla ptractice secure transactions through our top-notch well regulated escrow system built to protect your buying and selling transactions, Trust you can feel safe on every business deal.Tradepla helps you boost your business from national to international through our exchange feature. Enjoy easy and cheap exchange rates, no more exclusive offers or deals you can have it all USD,Pound, Naira etc.feel connected on every click


TD bizz is a multipurpose service app that creates a niche for the connection of customers to vendors and service providers. On Td bizz you experience a world of secure and monitored transactions controlled by a well   regulated Escrow system to minimize to a zero percent the possibility of an unlucky purchase. We provide regulated market, fast and reliable ride services and logistics system, a stable platform for service providers and service bookings, along side a controlled peer to peer exchange, with real- estate ventures, hotels and restaurant sitings and direct booking. Join our TD Lifestyle and share the joy of easy purchases and fast delivery and a direct access to your Ewallet that helps you secure payments. Its not just a business its your best-interest business where you can shop from various vendors at a time ,Experience at its peak